You are welcome to help yourself to these transparent gifs, but please obey the rules below::

Three simple rules, so please follow them go and enjoy the tranparent gifs below.
(* represents the senshis in SD form).

Angel :* Luna
Angel :* Artemis
Angel :* Diana
Angel :* Makoto
Angel :* Kakyuu
Angel :* Star Maker
Angel :* Star Healer
Angel :* Star Fighter
Angel :* Jadeite
X'mas :* Chibiusa
X'mas :* Hotaru
X'mas :* Chibichibi
X'mas :* Ami
X'mas :* Setsuna
X'mas :* Makoto
X'mas :* Minako
Curtsey : Chibiusa
Pose : Peruru
Logos : Sailorstars
Scream :Usagi&Seiya

Animated and Transparent Gifs

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